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Yongchang Zinc Guangzhou Ceramic Industry Exhibition was a complete success

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2023.6.19 ~ 6.22, 2023 Ceramics China Exhibition four days received a total of 60,360 professional visitors: The first day 18,553 people, The next day 25,822 people, Day 3 13,278 visitors, Day 4 2,707 visitors.

Yongchang Zinc Guangzhou Ceramic Industry Exhibition was a complete success

2023.6.19 ~ 6.22, 2023 Ceramics China Exhibition four days received a total of 60,360 professional visitors:

The first day 18,553 people,

The next day 25,822 people,

Day 3 13,278 visitors,

Day 4 2,707 visitors.

During the exhibition, Gaoyi YongChang Zinc contacted guests from all over the world to share this ceramic feast !

Vietnamese customer came to Gaoyi YongChang Zincs booth to present a commemorative plate carefully made with "frit" to witness the course of sincere cooperation and growth with each other during passed years.

During the exhibition, general manager Mr.Shi Liyao accepted the interview of China Glaze Network.

In order to better serve customers, during the exhibition, Gaoyi YongChang Zincs staff came to the booth of Panson Technology to learn ceramic glaze knowledge from Panson Technology Manager Mr.Zhang, improve business capabilities and strengthen service level.

Looking back wonderful, the future is promising!

Gaoyi YongChang Zinc and you hand in hand to create brilliant ceramic industry!
